
【学3个词 244-246】244 sentence 245 crumble 246 narrow

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05

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244 sentence


 今天我们要学的词是sentence。Sentence, 是判决的意思。"He was sentenced to 30 days of community service for shoplifting," 意思是他因为在商店偷东西被判社区服务30天。

最近,一个连环杀手因为八、九十年代在洛杉矶杀死十名妇女和一个胎儿被判处死刑。媒体报道说,"The serial killer was sentenced to death." 2005年7月企图用炸弹袭击伦敦公交系统的四个人星期三被判处无期徒刑。媒体报道说,"A British court sentenced the four men to life in prison." 好的,今天我们学习的词是sentence...


245 crumble



今天我们要学的词是crumble。Crumble, 是崩溃、瓦解的意思。"The old house began to crumble after years of neglect," 意思是这栋年久失修的老房子开始倒塌。"Small convenience stores crumbled after the big supermarket moved in," 意思是这家大型超市开张后,小规模的便利商店都经营不下去了。

近来,反对美国总统布什的伊拉克政策的人越来越多。媒体报道说,"The support for the Iraqi policy continues to crumble," 意思是对伊拉克政策的支持继续减弱。好的,今天我们学习的词是crumble...


246 narrow

今天我们要学的词是narrow。Narrow, 是变窄、缩小的意思。"The road narrows after the tunnel," 意思是过了隧道路就变窄了。"The government is trying to narrow the health divide between the rich and the poor," 是说政府正在努力缩小贫富间的健康差距。

白宫预计,本财政年度的预算赤字会缩小。媒体报道说,"The U.S. budget deficit will narrow to $205 billion in the fiscal year that ends in September," 意思是九月份结束的财政年度的预算赤字将缩小到两千零50亿美元。好的,今天我们学习的词是narrow...


[w]【学3个词 196-198】196 shatter 197: priority 198 buffer

[tu]【学3个词 193-195】193: junk 194 cheat 195: loophole

[m]【学3个词 190-192】190 gap 191: in a row 192 call for

[su]【学3个词 187-189】187: take steps 188 embrace 189: budge

[sa]【学3个词 184-186】184 vigil 185: backlash 186 face

【学3个词 181-183】181: stall 182 pound

[th]【学3个词 178-180】178 wrap up 179: dismiss 180 timetable

[w]【学3个词 175-177】175: credibility 176 subject 177: second hand

[tu]【学3个词 172-174】172 reject 173: cripple 174 shun

[m]【学3个词 169-171】169: trigger 170 take part in 171: key

[su]【学3个词 166-168】166 appeal 167: on time

[sa]【学3个词 163-165】163: on hold 164 on record 165: out of reach

【学3个词 160-162】160 subpoena 161: chide

【学3个词 157-159】157: run its course 158 do time 159: pardon

【学3个词 154-156】154 felony 155: fret 156 take seriously

【学3个词 151-153】151: stave off 152 backup 153: against the grain

[m]【学3个词 148-150】148 lose one's temper 149: sell off  150 shift

[su]【学3个词 145-147】145: overturn 146 field 147: talk up

[sa]【学3个词 142-144】142:one on one  143: in tatters 144 moonlight

【学3个词 139-141】139:Blunt 140:take over

【学3个词 136-138】136:ring 137:halt 138:keep one's nose clean

【学3个词 133-135】133:scramble 134:step down 135:front man

【学3个词 130-132】130:highlight 131:outstrip 132:underdog

【学3个词 127-129】127:nose dive 128:stand by

【学3个词 124-126】124:Rally  125:clog 126:ramp up

【学3个词 121-123】121:shut down

【学3个词 118-120】118:option 119:hot seat  120:stick it out

【学3个词 115-117】115:flex one's muscles 116:deploy

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